Autonomic nervous systemのNo.2です。今回も短いですのでがんばって解答してみてください。解答は一番下にあります。ためになったらシェアお願いします。
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1. The “periphery” is equivalent to
A Central nervous system
B Autonomic nervous system
C Peripheral nervous system
D Somatic motor nervous system
A Central nervous system
B Autonomic nervous system
C Peripheral nervous system
D Somatic motor nervous system
2. The peripheral nervous system brings information from the periphery into
A brain and periphery
B brain and interneurons
C interneurons and spinal cord
D brain and spinal cord
3.( )に入る適切な単語を選んでください
“Then coming out from the CNS back to the periphery, we have what we call the motor or ( ) pathway.”
A afferent
B efferent
C different
D efficient
4. Prof explained that the word afferent pathway is same as
A motor pathway
B sensory pathway
C autonomic pathway
D dorsal column
So here’s the overall view.
We’ve got the periphery. We’ve got the peripheral nervous system, which brings information from the periphery into the brain and the spinal cord. This happens via a pathway we refer to as the afferent or sensory pathway. Within the brain and spinal cord, we have interneurons that lie entirely within the CNS. Then coming out from the CNS back to the periphery, we have what we call the motor or efferent pathway. That’s actually what we’re going to be looking at today.
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